Fuchs, Barbara
Joint Appointment, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Rolfe 5320
Tel: 310.825.4173 / Fax: 310.267.4339 / E-mail
•Combined B.A./M.A. in Comparative Literature, summa cum laude, Yale University, 1992.
•Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Stanford University, 1997.
Early Modern English and Spanish literature, Mediterranean and transatlantic studies, literature and empire, transnationalism and literary history, race and religion in the early modern world.
Selected Works
- Mimesis and Empire: The New World, Islam, and European Identities (2001)
- Passing for Spain: Cervantes and the Fictions of Identity (2003)
- Romance (2004)
- Exotic Nation: Maurophilia and the Construction of Early Modern Spain (2009)
- The Bagnios of Algiers and The Great Sultana: Two Plays of Captivity, ed. and trans., with Aaron Ilika (2009)
- The Poetics of Piracy: Emulating Spain in English Literature. (2013)
- The Abencerraje and “Ozmin and Daraxa.” Ed. and trans., with Larissa Brewer-García and Aaron Ilika (2014)
- Representing Imperial Rivalry in the Early Modern Mediterranean, co-edited with Emily Weissbourd (2015)
- Women and Servants. A translation of Lope de Vega’s newly rediscovered play, with a critical introduction and notes (2016)
Additional Information
Trained as a comparatist (English, Spanish, French, Italian), Prof. Fuchs works on European cultural production from the late fifteenth through the seventeenth centuries, with a special emphasis on literature and empire, and on theater and performance in transnational contexts. She directs the UCLA Working Group on the Comedia in Translation and Performance and its “Diversifying the Classics” initiative (http://diversifyingtheclassics.humanities.ucla.edu/). Before UCLA, Professor Fuchs taught at the University of Washington and the University of Pennsylvania. During 2006-2007, she held a Guggenheim Fellowship for her project on “Moorishness” and the conflictive construction of Spain (Exotic Nation, Penn Press 2009). She is also one of the editors for the Norton Anthology of World Literature (2012) and the Norton Anthology of Western Literature (2014). Current projects include a study on the picaresque and the limits of Spain, a Norton Critical Edition of Spanish Golden Age theater, and a bilingual anthology of monologues from Hispanic classical drama. Professor Fuchs is a past editor of Hispanic Review and a member of UCLA’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Interest Areas
• Renaissance & Early Modern Studies
• Drama
• Postcolonial Theory / Transnational Studies
• Early Modern English and Spanish Literature
• Mediterranean and Transatlantic Studies
• Literature and Empire
• Transnationalism and Literary History
• Race and Religion in the Early Modern World
• Contemporary Theater and Performance
• Translation